Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of iGaming in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC Congo) and Africa at large with Didier Kamango, the Director of Operations and Development at Lava Bet. In this enlightening conversation with IGaming AFRIKA (IGA), Didier sheds light on the intricacies of the iGaming market in DRC Congo. From the burgeoning interest in sports betting to the regulatory landscape and investment opportunities, explore the evolving landscape of iGaming in the heart of Africa.
IGA: Retail or online, which is the way to go for new and existing operators to maximise their market presence?
Didier: When it comes to retail or online sales, operators need to adapt to consumer preferences. With the rise of technology and the Internet in Africa, online sales could be a promising way to reach a wider audience. However, it is also important not to neglect the retail market, which remains important in many African countries.
Ultimately, gaming operators in Africa should consider exploring both retail and online sales to maximise their market presence. Staying tuned to consumer needs and preferences is crucial to remaining competitive and thriving in an ever-changing marketplace.
IGA: What describes a sports betting gaming platform in Africa? A word to investors interested in investing in the sports betting space in Africa?
Didier: An African sports betting gaming platform is characterised by its diversity of sports offered, competitive odds, a user-friendly and secure interface, local payment options, and responsive customer support.
IGA: A word to investors interested in investing in the African I gaming space?
Didier: For investors interested in investing in the sports betting space in Africa, I suggest focusing on understanding the needs and preferences of local players, partnering with local partners for better integration into the market, and remaining attentive to the constantly evolving regulations in each country.
“In short, the sports betting market in DRC Congo is dynamic and promising for sports and gambling enthusiasts.”
“In terms of where to invest, major cities like Kinshasa and Lubumbashi offer a large potential market due to their large populations and interest in sports betting.”
“With the rise of technology and the Internet in Africa, online sales could be a promising way to reach a wider audience.”